Monday, January 23, 2006

An AP teacher's website

Here's an AP teacher Ruth Wilson's website. She set up blog threads for each of her students' concentrations. (The concentration portion of the portfolio is a theme that students pursue through at least 12 pieces.) It'll be interesting to see how the consentrations develop.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sketchbooks online

So I'm on a listserv for AP art teachers. And one of the teachers, Nicole Brisco, shared a long list of sketchbook websites. These are great. I love sketchbooks. So here are my favorites of what she mentioned, with a few strengths for each.

  1. Wayne Jiang - Many layers of mixed media, Book 7 has a lot from life (love the peeled orange)
  2. James Jean - Gorgeous (!) observational drawing that is loose and "panoramic" in composition. Travel sketchbooks. Beautiful line quality with value marks. Wow!
  3. Tom Wood - Looks like the record and development of ideas, mixed media
  4. Rebecca Bradley - Mixed media illustration book
  5. John Copeland - There's a ton to see here. Very skilled observational drawing, with ink wash and paint layers. his out-of book work is great too.
  6. Sabrina Ward Harrison - Multi-media illustration. nice layers
  7. Danny Gregory - Here's a cool lil promo for a book re: sketchbooks, and I mentioned his site a few posts ago.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

to blog or not to blog

I haven't updated for the past couple weeks for a couple reasons. I've been thinking through my purposes for blogging, and what the goal of this blog should be. I've also been considering a career change out of classroom teaching and into the role of Art Director. So my thoughts have been a little occupied.

I realize that my audience isn't very big, and I haven't really sought that out on purpose. I've been wanting to see if the links I offer and some light commentary could be helpful for others. Well I'm not convinced I'll stop entirely, but in case anybody is wondering, I may be even less frequent than before.

Anyways, I thought I'd keep you posted...

Everyday Matters

I have a list of art blogs on my favorites menu that I stop by periodically. Everyday Matters is among them. The author, Danny Gregory, does some great drawing and participates in those Sketchcrawls that I'm hoping to get to sometime. Also check out his Roman sketchbook.

This recent post, titled Conversion, reminds me how artists seem especially in tune with common grace and how few artists know genuine Christians (though this artist says he has religious friends).